Kratom Addiction – Things to Consider!

January 20, 2023

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Kratom addiction is an increasingly common phenomenon among those who use the plant for its many purported benefits. In recent years, kratom has gained attention for its potential for pain relief or relaxation.

However, alongside its medicinal potential, there is also the possibility of over-consumption, which can lead to kratom addiction. If you plan to use this substance, it is important to be aware of possible dependency. That's why we enlighten you!

Kratom Addiction – Possible or Impossible?

Kratom has been used in Southeast Asia for centuries as a medicinal remedy and as an alternative form of pain relief. In recent years it has also become popular in Europe. But can you become addicted to it? Let's take a look at the facts.

What is Kratom?

Kratom is derived from Mitragyna Speciosa . This is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia. It can be taken as a powder or brewed into a tea, and kratom effects range from mild stimulation to severe pain relief. It is most commonly used to treat chronic pain and reduce anxiety and stress.

Possible vs. impossible

The truth is that kratom addiction is both possible and impossible - depending on how it's used. Like any substance, this can be addictive if abused. However, when taken responsibly and at the recommended dose, it can provide relief without becoming addictive.

Side Effects of Kratom Addiction

While there are no serious side effects associated with responsible kratom consumption , abuse can result in various negative outcomes such as:

  • nausea
  • constipation
  • irritability
  • fatigue
  • restlessness

If left uncontrolled or untreated for too long, these symptoms can worsen over time, eventually leading to kratom addiction.

Also, long-term consumption of significant doses can cause liver damage or other health problems due to the active ingredients mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which are known to be hepatotoxic in large amounts.

How does kratom work?

The alkaloids contained in kratom interact with the opioid receptors in the brain, causing the user to experience both stimulating and sedative effects, depending on the dose. A low amount of kratom can have a stimulating effect similar to caffeine, while a higher dose leads to stronger effects.

It is important to realize that while kratom can produce these effects, it does not have the same addictive properties as opioids or other drugs.

The Effects of Kratom

Kratom effects depend on the dose taken and the person taking it. In general, lower doses increase energy levels and focus, while higher doses can induce feelings of relaxation and calming.

Some people also report that their mood improves when they take kratom regularly. Ultimately, it's important that people who wish to take it speak to their doctor beforehand.

What exactly are the active ingredients in kratom

The active substance is mitragynine. This is an alkaloid found in the leaves of the kratom tree. Mitragynine has stimulant properties that can help make you feel more energetic and alert.

It also binds to the opioid receptors in the brain and is said to exhibit beneficial properties without the dangerous side effects associated with traditional opioid medications.

In addition to mitragynine, kratom contains other compounds that contribute to its effects. This includes 7-hydroxymitragynine. The compounds work together to relieve physical and emotional pain and increase energy levels and focus.

The alkaloids in kratom are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and their ability to reduce stress and anxiety. They can also help improve sleep quality by promoting relaxation before bed.

Additionally, some studies suggest that kratom may be helpful for those suffering from depression or chronic pain due to its mood-enhancing effects.

How dangerous is Kratom?

Questions about kratom's safety have been surfacing lately, with some claiming that it has serious side effects and is addictive. So let's take a look at the risks associated with kratom below.

Possible risks associated with Kratom

Although kratom has been used safely in Southeast Asia for centuries, there are still potential risks in Europe where it is not as well researched and regulated. The most commonly reported side effects are:

  • nausea
  • Vomit
  • sleepiness
  • constipation
  • headache

There have also been reports of liver damage with long-term use and cases of respiratory depression in people who have ingested large amounts of extract or combined it with other drugs such as alcohol or opioids.

Due to the opioid-like effects on the brain, long-term use of high doses of kratom products also increases the risk of kratom addiction.

Is kratom safe?

When consumed responsibly in low doses, Kratom can provide some therapeutic benefits such as pain relief without causing too many side effects. However, the long-term effects must be researched further before definitive statements can be made about this substance.

What is the legal situation in German-speaking countries (DACH)?

With its growing popularity around the world, many people are wondering what the legal status of this plant is. In particular, our customers are interested in understanding the legal situation of Kratom in German-speaking countries (DACH). So we answer the question. So you know what the current legal situation is in your country.


In Germany, the legal status of kratom is somewhat unclear. While possession and consumption is not illegal, there are some restrictions on sale and distribution.

All forms of kratom products must be labeled as such and sellers must provide clear information about their products. In addition, advertising must not contain false information or claims about its effectiveness or effectiveness.


Kratom is classified as a controlled substance in Austria and is legal to both possess and dispense. Possession is not considered a criminal offense under Austrian law. Therefore, individuals who have lawfully purchased kratom for personal use can continue to use that substance without fear of prosecution.


Kratom has been illegal in Switzerland since October 2017. According to the law, it contains components that are classified as dangerous. Despite public health concerns, it has not only been classified as illegal, but also linked to the anti-drug abuse framework.

It is therefore important to remember that people who used this substance before the ban can no longer do so legally in Switzerland. In the worst case, there is a risk of criminal prosecution!

Kratom powder addiction

Signs of a kratom overdose

As with anything else, you should never overdo it! To avoid worrying about overdosing on kratom, you should exercise caution. Start with as little as 1mg and work your way up until you find the perfect Kratom dose!

Our starter sets are ideal for beginners! So you not only get Green Kratom , for example, but also red, yellow and white variants .

Since this substance is relatively new, there is still a lot to learn about its effects and potential side effects. One of the most serious side effects of kratom use is an overdose. It is therefore important to know the signs of an overdose before it becomes serious.

An overdose can manifest itself in a number of ways - depending on the individual's physiology and the amount ingested. The most common symptoms include:

  • nausea
  • dizziness
  • confusion
  • disorientation
  • Increased heart rate
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • difficulty breathing
  • shortness of breath
  • restlessness
  • seizures

As you can see: Even in an emergency, you almost always only suffer from harmless side effects. However, if you experience any worrying symptoms, such as difficulty breathing or seizures, after taking kratom capsules or powder, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Many people report positive experiences with kratom without any side effects. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with its use. One should exercise caution and not overdo the Kratom consumption.

Treatment for an overdose

Treatment for an overdose will depend on your individual situation and the severity of your symptoms. For severe side effects, doctors may start supportive measures such as intravenous fluids and medications for nausea and restlessness. As we cannot give specialist medical advice, we recommend that if you suspect an overdose you contact a professional immediately.

Kratom Withdrawal – What to Expect

If you have recently stopped using kratom, you may already be aware that withdrawal symptoms can occur. While there is no magic formula, there are some common symptoms that most users experience.

It's also important to realize that everyone's kratom withdrawal experience is different and their recovery timeline is different. Possible symptoms are:

  1. Pay attention to your body : The first step after stopping is to pay attention to your body and how it is reacting. The most common withdrawal symptoms include nausea, headaches and depression. In addition to these physical effects, it's not uncommon for you to feel drowsy or have trouble sleeping. However, these symptoms usually get under control quickly.
  2. Avoid drinking alcohol and avoid caffeine in the evening : To address kratom withdrawal, avoid alcohol for a restful sleep and avoid caffeine in the evening.
  3. Eat a healthy lifestyle : Eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables can also reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms, as vitamins provide an energy boost. Also, make sure you're drinking plenty of water throughout the day, as dehydration can often make withdrawal symptoms worse.

If your symptoms become progressively worse or don't seem to improve over time, you should contact your doctor or seek professional help from an addiction specialist or therapist.

Don't forget that this process takes time and patience - Rome wasn't built in a day either! You should feel better over time as your body regains its natural balance.


It is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with taking kratom capsules or powder. Although many people find relief from various ailments by taking kratom, it is best not to overdo it.

If you suspect you have taken too much kratom, consult a doctor for severe side effects. Above all, it is important that you listen to your body. Be aware of possible withdrawal symptoms that may occur when you stop taking kratom.

With the right mindset and lifestyle changes, you can quickly manage your withdrawal symptoms.